Our Ministries

Our Ministries

Children's Ministries

For children of all ages, Temple has something to keep your children busy and in training for the Lord. Church volunteers—many of whom are mothers themselves—provide care for babies and toddlers in the nursery. Sunday School classes are available for various ages beginning at 2 years old. Children’s Church is held during the Sunday morning worship service at 11:00 AM for children through sixth grade. Games, music, and Bible stories are part of the Wednesday night programs for 4 year olds through sixth graders in Master Clubs (during the school year) and in TC (Towards Completion) Club (during the summer). And the children always look forward to our annual Vacation Bible School.

Music Ministry
Congregational Singing

Our congregational singing at Temple Baptist is heartfelt and genuine. When the congregation sings, they have an opportunity to worship the Lord together as one body. Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 both assert that our singing is to consist of songs, hymns, and spiritual songs. Therefore, we strive for a balance of worshipful hymns such as “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God” and songs and spiritual songs such as “Amazing Grace” and “Springs of Living Water.” It is our prayer that the Lord is pleased with our sincere corporate singing during each service.


Our choir is composed of a group of individuals committed to serving God with their musical abilities. Weekly practices allow each member to develop their God-given talent and prepare the choir to be an encouragement to the congregation on Sundays. Christmas Cantatas are prepared yearly, as well as some Easter and Patriotic Cantatas.

Our choir sings a wide variety of sacred songs from an assortment of Christian Music publishers and other major publishing companies with every piece sung in adherence to principles found in God’s Word.

Special Music

Solos and groups regularly sing during the services at Temple as well as some instrumental specials from members who have shown faithfulness and diligence in the ministry.

Our Goal

Though music is very closely related to our emotions, emotionalism and manipulation have no place in the music at Temple. No musical number has the intention of manipulating the emotions of the congregation to a specific feeling or action. The goal of the music ministry is to communicate Biblical principals that lead to individual focus on God and His Word. If that goal is accomplished, the heart of the individual will be tender and ready to receive the Word of God when it is preached.

Community Outreach Ministry

The purpose of our outreach program is to use the methods of soul winning, door-to-door, and follow-up to fulfill the Great Commission:

Matthew 28:19—“Go ye therefore and teach all nations, Baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:”

Our volunteers use several types of tracts which contain the Gospel message and our service times and our outreach includes:

  1. Soul Winning: Purposefully asking individuals about their eternal hope and explaining how to be saved.
  2. Canvassing (door-to-door): Going from house to house in selected areas to determine if the people attend church and/or need to be saved.
  3. Follow-up: Visiting individuals that have attended church, have been saved, have special needs and/or need to be saved.


The Christian’s responsibility on earth is to reach the world with the Gospel and we take our stewardship of the Truth very seriously. Temple Baptist Church follows the Biblical principles of supporting God’s work through prayer, service, and money. Where we cannot serve on foreign fields, we pray for and support financially those who do have that opportunity. Our church members are encouraged to participate in regular missions offering through our Faith Promise Giving program. We currently support over 40 missionaries serving on both domestic and foreign fields all over the world. 

Romans 10:15—“And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”

Missionaries with Mission Sending Organizations

Butch & Margie Abbett—Field Representatives for BIMI
Dalton & Brenda Heath—Field Representatives for Worldwide New Testament Missions
Ric & Beth Hurd—Frontier Baptist Missions
John & Debbie Jackson—Amazing Grace Mission Fair Ministry
Ron & Ginger Naugle—First Responders & Military Ministry
Jim & Peggy Tilson—Source of Light Ministries

North America

Todd & Amy Bell—Church Planters in Maine
Randy & Sherry Broadstreet—Canada
Austin & Jessica Brown—Hoover, Alabama
Dana & Julie Dice—Queens, New York
John & Joy Gibson—Missionaries to the Jews in New York City
Gage & Aleah Gilbert—Greenland
Nathan & Megumi Sears—Iceland
Tim & Kristin Stalcup—Urban Evangelism in NYC

Central & South America

Andrew & Amber Garcia—Honduras
Don & Ruthie Harris—Argentina
Leland & Naomi Johnson—Macedonia Missions West Indies Field Director
Steve & Nohemy Sidler—Dominican Republic 


Carey & Susan Abbett—France
Brandon & Kristan Cook—Italy
Jeremie & Damaris Doldeler—France
Daniel & Emily Ford—Moldova
Jonathan & Gracie Heaton—United Kingdom
Danny & Missy Kessler—Bulgaria
David & Jennifer Willis—Spain


Matthew & Savannah Gardner—Uganda
Jason & Charity Rishel—Burkina-Faso, West Africa
Noah & Tristan Wilkerson—Mozambique

Asia & Pacific Islands

Bernard & Helen Hong—Australia 
Lewis & Kim Howell—New Zealand
Mark Lehman—Taiwan
Rob & Brenda Oetman—South Korea

Our School

Temple Baptist School was started in 1976, as a ministry of Temple Baptist Church, for the purpose of providing a Bible-based educational alternative to the increasingly secular education of the government school system. God commands parents to teach and train their children in a manner that is obedient to His Word and that keeps His Truth at the center of the educational process (Deut. 6).

Luke 2:52 outlines the four aspects in which Jesus grew as a youth (academic, physical, spiritual, and social). The faculty, staff, and curricular choices within our program seek to develop these same four areas within our students. We believe the Biblical principles that there is no respecter of persons with God (Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11), and that all men are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27). Our students are taught to respect each other regardless of differences in racial or cultural backgrounds.

We would love to have you come and visit us and examine what Christian education is all about. Examine our core principles, meet our staff, and decide for yourself if Temple should be part of your child’s and your family’s future.

For more information regarding Temple Baptist School, visit templebaptistschool.org.